Impact analysis of Kaunisvaara-Svappavaara road iron ore transportation options

In 2013 an iron ore mine will be opened in Kaunisvaara in Northern Sweden. Annually five million tons of ore concentrate will be hauled 157 km by trucks on public roads to Svappavaara railway dock. A risk analysis and socio economic analysis project was established by Swedish Traffic Administration and the mining company, together with the ROADEX project, to study the impact of different heavy haulage options on the current road condition and to evaluate the need for strengthening. Data collection was done using several different survey techniques. Risk and lifetime analysis based on the data showed that severe damages will occur within one year of haulage starting, if no rehabilitation is done. New structures were designed to meet 20 years of service life. On the weakest sections the addition of a new third lane was recommended. Impact analysis of different truck options showed that the problem with heavier and longer trucks is the high vertical displacement in the weak subgrade sections during the spring thaw period and long recovery times. On the other hand all heavier truck options are friendlier to asphalt pavement compared to a standard 60 ton truck. Many new technologies and analysis methods were used for the first time in the world, and these methods have proven to provide extremely valuable data for road diagnostics and design. Using this data in the actual design phase will also present major economical savings.