$400~\mu $ m Diameter APD OEIC in $0.35~\mu \text{m}$ BiCMOS

An optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) with a $400~\mu \text{m}$ diameter avalanche photodiode (APD) is present. The OEIC is designed for use in systems of optical wireless communication and communication over plastic optical fiber. The used APD reaches a quantum efficiency of 81.7% without an anti-reflection coating. In combination with the $0.35~\mu \text{m}$ bipolar complementary metal-oxide–semiconductor circuit, a data rate of 2 Gb/s can be reached with a sensitivity of −30.6 dBm (bit error rate $10^{\mathrm {{-9}}})$ at a wavelength of 675 nm. The OEIC occupies an area of 960 $\mu \text{m} \,\, \times \,\, 1540~\mu \text{m}$ and is supplied with 3.3 V with a current consumption of 74 mA.