Phlox subulata, Cover Plant for Soil Conservation in Chinese Cabbage-Cultivated Highland

To evaluate the effect of companion plant (Phlox subulata and Glechoma hederacea var. longituba) on conservation of soil in slopped highland, coverage of crops and soil erosion were investigated with 3 different conditions. The coverage rate of Phlox subulata with Chinese cabbage cultivation was kept on approximately 100% from Chinese cabbage-transplanting to -harvest. The coverage rate of Glechoma hederacea var. longituba with Chinese cabbage cultivation was low at it's early stage, however, reached to approximately 100% at the time of Chinese cabbage harvest. In contrast, the coverage rate of Chinese cabbage cultivation without cover crop, and simultaneous transplanting with Chinese cabbage and cover crop were approximately 60%. Losses of soil and nitrate nitrogen were much lower in Phlox subulata with Chinese cabbage cultivation (, ) than those in Chinese cabbage cultivation without cover crop (, ), and simultaneous transplanting with Chinese cabbage and cover crop (, ). Cover plants suppressed the weed occurrence up to about 70%. Live mulching with cover plants set a good effects on weed suppression and reduction of soil and nutrient loss. Therefore intercropping with Phlox subulata will make great contributions to soil conservation in Chinese cabbage cultivated highland.