The recent advances in GPU technology is offering great prospects in computation. However, the penetration of the GPU technology in real-time control has been somewhat limited due to two main reasons: 1) control algorithms for real-time applications involving highly parallel computation are not very common in practical applications and 2) the excellent performance in computation of GPUs is paid for by a penalty in memory transfer. As a consequence, GPU applications for real-time controls suffer from an often unacceptable latency. We present the factors that affect the performance of GPUs in real-time applications in fusion research in order to provide some hints to designers facing the option of using either a multithreaded, multicore CPU application or a GPU. In particular, we consider GPU usage in two common use cases in real-time applications in fusion research: dense matrix-vector multiplication for large state space-based control and online image analysis for feature extraction in camera-based diagnostics. Two applications mimicking the two use cases have been developed using the Tesla K40 GPU architecture, and the performance results are reported.
Antonio Barbalace,et al.
MARTe: A Multiplatform Real-Time Framework
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
R. Coelho,et al.
Tomographic Visualization for Plasma Position Control in ISTTOK
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science.
Sergio Esquembri,et al.
Image acquisition and GPU processing application using IRIO technology and FlexRIO devices
2016 IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference (RT).
Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti,et al.
Internal Structures and Operating Principles of Linux Real-Time Extensions