Hardware-in-the-loop testbed for load management applications

This paper focuses on smart power management systems for application in the Low Voltage power distribution. In particular, we consider load management systems based on distributed control implemented by processors embedded in power circuit breakers: such systems can control connection and disconnection of loads with the purpose of maintaining average power within preset boundaries, preventing demand peaks. With the purpose of testing load management systems in a realistic condition, a real time, hardware in the loop testbed has been designed and built. The testbed employs a mathematical model of the electrical consumption of the installation: based on such model, real time, simulated current and voltage signals are generated, that the controller uses as measurement inputs. Based on such inputs, the controller trigger load activation and deactivation strategy. In turn, activation and deactivation commands are fed back into the simulation testbed and taken into account for the continuation of simulation, thus closing the loop. The simulation system includes a complete graphical operator interface, which can be used for demonstration and training purposes, so that performance and operation of load management systems can be made apparent. After describing the architecture and components of the designed system, a test case used for validation is shown.