Amazons is a young, abstract, strategic, two-player game, in which the first player unable to move loses. We present a database for small Amazons positions, which for every position holds the canonical combinatorial game theory values, its thermograph and the corresponding move for every canonical option.Such a database is useful to find values and structures in games that were unknown before and hard or impossible to find or verify by hand. In Amazons we were able to prove the existence of numbers, of fractions down to 1/64 and of various infinitesimals, but these results also suggest that there is no easy construction for most of these values. The database also demonstrates how complex canonical forms in Amazons can be and that many Amazons positions have properties and values that are totally counterintuitive.
R. Sprague.
Über mathematische Kampfspiele
Theodore Tegos,et al.
Experiments in Computer Amazons
Theodore. Tegos.
Shooting the last arrow
E. Berlekamp.
The Economist's View of Combinatorial Games
Jos Uiterwijk,et al.
8qp Wins Amazons Tournament
J. Int. Comput. Games Assoc..
E. Berlekamp,et al.
Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays
C. L. Bouton.
Nim, A Game with a Complete Mathematical Theory
Richard J. Nowakowski,et al.
Games of No Chance 3: Surveys
Raymond Georg Snatzke.
Exhaustive Search in the Game Amazons