(56) PROCESS FOR FORMING HIGHLY UNFORMS LCA SPHERES Inventors: Timothy J. Barder, Addison; Philip D. DuBois, Lisle, both of Ill. Assignee: Allied-Signal Inc., Morris Township, Morris County, N.J. Appi. No.: 440,541 Fied: Nov. 22, 1989 Int, C. ........................ C01B33/12; B01J 35/08 U.S. C. .................................... 423/338; 423/335; 423/339; 502/8; 502/10 Field of Search ....................... 423/335, 338,339; 502/8, 10 References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,634,558 1/1972 Stober .................................. 264/0.5 4,567,030 1/1986 Yuasa et al. ......................... 423/326 11 Patent Number: 4,983,369 (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 8, 1991