Adaptive Synchronization ofDiscrete-Time T-SFuzzyChaotic Systems UsingOutputTracking Control

Thispaper presents amodelreference adaptive control approach forthesynchronization ofadiscrete-time chaotic systems using output tracking control. Takagi-Sugeno (T-S)fuzzy modelisemployed torepresent the discrete-time chaotic system. Then, thereference modelsystem ischosen using theoutput ofmaster system anddesign thecontrol input sothat thecontrolled slave system achieves asymptotic synchronization withthereference system given that twosystems start fromdifferent initial conditions, different parameters and/or different typeofmodel. Using a gradient algorithm, theideal controller gains whichcanstabilize theerror equation areestimated. Simulation examples oftwocases aregiven todemonstrate thevalidity ofourproposed adaptive method.