Simulation of a highly parallel system for word recognition

As the complexity of speech recognition systems increases, conventional computers are unable to perform all the operations quickly enough to process the speech input in real time. This paper examines the use of a single instruction stream - multiple data stream (SIMD) parallel architecture to reduce the computation time for a dynamic time warping template matching based isolated word recognition system. Each of the components of the recognition system was written as an SMD parallel algorithm. The component SIMD algorithms and the complete word recognition system were simulated. The simulations showed that with 100 processing elements, each an 8 MHz MC68000, the speech system can perform isolated word recognition over a large vocabulary in real time. This real-time speech system used a 20 KHz sampling rate, 16 bits per sample, 100 samples per frame, 8 LPC coefficients per frame, 16 bits per LPC coefficient, and a 1,000 word vocabulary.