Efficient load balancing scheduling technique on grid computing

Grid computing creates the illusion of a simple but large and powerful self-managing virtual computer out of a large collection of connected heterogeneous systems sharing various combinations of resources which leads to the problem of load balance. In this paper, two techniques such as MMS and EMS are proposed for job scheduling in grid. The objective of the scheduling process is to map each job with specific requirements such as speed, bandwidth and memory to a capable machine which have the capability to execute the job. Whenever the scheduler has jobs to schedule, MMS and EMS selects the resources based on the maximum suitable mapping and exact mapping of job requirement value with the resource capable value respectively. The job manager can monitor the execution of job and return the results after successful completion. EMS approach is effective in the sense that all resources are busy at the same time so that resources are utilized in better way and make-span is also reduced in this as compared to MMS.