The Semantic Web, 6th International Semantic Web Conference, 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007, Busan, Korea, November 11-15, 2007
Research Track.- Enabling Advanced and Context-Dependent Access Control in RDF Stores.- Automatically Composing Data Workflows with Relational Descriptions and Shim Services.- COMM: Designing a Well-Founded Multimedia Ontology for the Web.- How Service Choreography Statistics Reduce the Ontology Mapping Problem.- Kernel Methods for Mining Instance Data in Ontologies.- An Ontology Design Pattern for Representing Relevance in OWL.- Logical Foundations of (e)RDF(S): Complexity and Reasoning.- Scalable Cleanup of Information Extraction Data Using Ontologies.- A Cognitive Support Framework for Ontology Mapping.- Making More Wikipedians: Facilitating Semantics Reuse for Wikipedia Authoring.- CLOnE: Controlled Language for Ontology Editing.- Creating a Dead Poets Society: Extracting a Social Network of Historical Persons from the Web.- OBO and OWL: Leveraging Semantic Web Technologies for the Life Sciences.- History Matters: Incremental Ontology Reasoning Using Modules.- SALT: Weaving the Claim Web.- YARS2: A Federated Repository for Querying Graph Structured Data from the Web.- Discovering Simple Mappings Between Relational Database Schemas and Ontologies.- Potluck: Data Mash-Up Tool for Casual Users.- An Empirical Study of Instance-Based Ontology Matching.- Finding All Justifications of OWL DL Entailments.- How Useful Are Natural Language Interfaces to the Semantic Web for Casual End-Users?.- The Fundamentals of iSPARQL: A Virtual Triple Approach for Similarity-Based Semantic Web Tasks.- Conjunctive Queries for a Tractable Fragment of OWL 1.1.- Continuous RDF Query Processing over DHTs.- Bringing Semantic Annotations to Web Services: OWL-S from the SAWSDL Perspective.- Ontology-Based Controlled Natural Language Editor Using CFG with Lexical Dependency.- Web Search Personalization Via Social Bookmarking and Tagging.- Measuring Incoherence in Description Logic-Based Ontologies.- Alternating-Offers Protocol for Multi-issue Bilateral Negotiation in Semantic-Enabled Marketplaces.- An Event-Based Approach for Semantic Metadata Interoperability.- Evaluating the Semantic Web: A Task-Based Approach.- Using Tableau to Decide Expressive Description Logics with Role Negation.- Instance Migration in Heterogeneous Ontology Environments.- AllRight: Automatic Ontology Instantiation from Tabular Web Documents.- A Caching Mechanism for Semantic Web Service Discovery.- A Method for Recommending Ontology Alignment Strategies.- Lifecycle-Support in Architectures for Ontology-Based Information Systems.- Ontology-Based Interpretation of Keywords for Semantic Search.- RDFSync: Efficient Remote Synchronization of RDF Models.- Weaving the Open Linked Data.- combiSQORE: An Ontology Combination Algorithm .- PORE: Positive-Only Relation Extraction from Wikipedia Text.- Ontology Performance Profiling and Model Examination: First Steps.- The Semantic Web and Human Inference: A Lesson from Cognitive Science.- From Web Directories to Ontologies: Natural Language Processing Challenges.- On the Foundations of Computing Deltas Between RDF Models.- Semplore: An IR Approach to Scalable Hybrid Query of Semantic Web Data.- Semantic Cooperation and Knowledge Reuse by Using Autonomous Ontologies.- An Unsupervised Model for Exploring Hierarchical Semantics from Social Annotations.- SPARK: Adapting Keyword Query to Semantic Search.- Semantic Web In-Use Track.- Unlocking the Potential of Public Sector Information with Semantic Web Technology.- DBpedia: A Nucleus for a Web of Open Data.- A Semantic Case-Based Reasoning Framework for Text Categorization.- Purpose-Aware Reasoning about Interoperability of Heterogeneous Training Systems.- A Collaborative Semantic Web Layer to Enhance Legacy Systems.- HealthFinland -Finnish Health Information on the Semantic Web.- Spatially-Augmented Knowledgebase.- Recipes for Semantic Web Dog Food - The ESWC and ISWC Metadata Projects.- Matching Patient Records to Clinical Trials Using Ontologies.- Application of Ontology Translation.- Ontology-Based Information Extraction for Business Intelligence.- EIAW: Towards a Business-Friendly Data Warehouse Using Semantic Web Technologies.- Semantic Web Challenge.- GroupMe! - Where Semantic Web Meets Web 2.0.- CHIP Demonstrator: Semantics-Driven Recommendations and Museum Tour Generation.- Semantics-Based Framework for Personalized Access to TV Content: The iFanzy Use Case.- A Reviewing and Rating Site for the Web of Data.- Potluck: Semi-ontology Alignment for Casual Users.- Doctoral Consortium.- Semi-automatic Ontology Engineering Using Patterns.- From Texts to Structured Documents: The Case of Health Practice Guidelines.- Knowledge Enhanced Searching on the Web.- Ontology-Driven Management of Semantic Spaces.- Ontology Mapping: An Information Retrieval and Interactive Activation Network Based Approach.- Probabilistic Information Integration and Retrieval in the Semantic Web.- OWL-DL as a Power Tool to Model Negotiation Mechanisms with Incomplete Information.- Cultural Adaptivity for the Semantic Web.- Lightweight Community-Driven Ontology Evolution.- Exploiting Patterns in Ontology Mapping.- Integrating Uncertainty into Ontology Mapping.- Mutual Contextualization in Tripartite Graphs of Folksonomies.