Clinical Examination of the Jugular Venous Pulse.
Colman has written a worthwhile and practical book on the examination and meaning of jugular venous pulsations. It reads easily and interestingly and is well worth the evening required to complete it. His emphasis on the meaning, clinical application, and utility of the notation of venous pulsations provides the stimulus for the student and practicing physician to learn the techniques of bedside observation. In addition, Colman details simple methods of registration of venous pulsations with inexpensive equipment and the ubiquitous electrocardiogram machine. A useful bibliography and practical atlas of normal and abnormal patterns is included. This reviewer has nothing but praise for this small book, but even in these days of affluence, is offended by the price. Despite this minor reservation, it is a book recommended for medical libraries, medical students, and all physicians who enjoy the challenges of the finer points of physical diagnosis.