[Transfusion and cancer].

Relationship between blood transfusion and cancer is considered from five points of view: 1) The cancer patient as a blood donor. Cancer must remain a cause of exclusion from blood donation. 2) Autologous blood transfusion for cancer patients. Predeposited autologous blood transfusion is only possible for a small number of patients. Intraoperative blood salvage carries with it the risk of disseminating tumor cells. 3) History of blood transfusion and the risk of having a cancer: a) the persistence of immune alterations following blood transfusion for years might expose the patient to an increased risk of having a cancer; b) blood transfusion might carry immunosuppressive viruses, and hepatitis viruses are related to the risk of liver cancer. 4) Cancer recurrence and blood transfusion. Conclusion of most of the published studies is that blood transfusion is associated with an increased risk of recurrence of colorectal cancer. The only realistic randomized study would compare different transfusion strategies (allogenic, leukocyte poor allogenic and autologous blood transfusion) to determine which is the best for cancer patients. 5) Post-transfusion GVH in cancer patients. Some cases have recently been published. They all can be explained by a particular HLA compatibility between the recipient and one of the blood donors.