Thermodynamical and excess thermoacoustical study on some monosaccharide (glucose) with enzyme amylase in aqueous media at 298.15 K

Ultrasonic velocity ( U ), density ( ρ ) and viscosity ( η ) measurements have been carried out in three ternary mixtures of glucose with amylase in aqueous medium at 298.15 K. The experimental data have been used to calculate some derived parameters such as acoustical impedance ( Z ), relative association ( R A ), Rao's constant ( R ), Wada's constant ( W ), relaxation time ( τ ), relaxation amplitude ( α / f 2 ), relaxation strength ( r ), and some excess thermodynamical properties like excess adiabatic compressibility ( β E ), excess free length ( L f E ) excess free volume ( V f E ), excess internal pressure ( π i E ) and excess acoustical impedance ( Z E ). The above parameters have been evaluated and discussed in light of molecular interactions in the mixture.