Privacy-aware Nomadic Service For Personalized IPTV

User-Centric Personalized IPTV UbiquitOus and SecUre Services (Up-TO-US) project provides nomadism and personalization in IPTV operated services. This paper proposes a novel architecture for nomadism combined with an extensive game to enforce identity exposure when a user accesses his/her services from outside the home domain. The goal of the game is to minimize the personal information divulgation outside his/her domain. The proposed algorithm is implemented within a nomadic architecture. For each client, our algorithm can customize the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) in a contextualized way. We analyze two main use cases in nomadic situations: local nomadism and inter-domain nomadism. All implementations are hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) standard-based for compatibility issues with all Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) platforms. Keywords-Nomadism; extensive game; IPTV; personalized service