This elegant little identity connects a fundamental constant of analysis, e, with equally fundamental constants of arithmetic, algebra and geometry. It would be hard for a philosopher to pass it by. Steiner distinguishes mere existence (in Quine's sense of being the value of a variable) from two types of reality—ontic and epistemic reality. We will concern ourselves here with the epistemic reality of mathematical objects, for Steiner not only appeals to Euler's equation in connection with their epistemic reality, he also devotes most of his discussion to that topic. Steiner [1983] proposes that an object is real in the epistemic sense in case it has independent descriptions. In mathematics this means that there are two different descriptions of the object and a proof that they are coreferential, but no explanatory proof'that they are. On Steiner's view, pi is real in the epistemic sense because Euler's identity shows that pi, first described geometrically as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, answers to the analytic description of arg{— 1), where
G. Hardy,et al.
What is Mathematics?
Philip J. Davis,et al.
The Mathematical Experience
Paul Benacerraf,et al.
What the numbers could not be
W. Rudin.
Principles of mathematical analysis
D. T. Elmore.
Mathematical explanation
J. Woodward,et al.
Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World
M. Resnik.
Mathematics as a Science of Patterns: Ontology and Reference in Philosophy of Mathematics.