Analysis of the Metamorphic Multifingered Dexterous Hand

A novel metamorphic multifingered dexterous hand which is put forward by DAI Jiansheng is analyzed.This hand differs from the previous robot hands in that the palm is moveable and reconfigurable.The reconfiguration of the palm enhances the dexterities and the workspace of the hand.When the linkages of the palm stand still,each finger operates in a plane.Hence the finger-operation plane is introduced.The problem of grasping poses of palm is transformed to that of studying the unit normal vector of finger-operation planes.The global coordinate system of the spherical metamorphic palm is set up,and the expression of the unit normal vector of three finger-operation planes under this coordinate system is obtained.The grasping pose is mapped to ruled surface of pose.The workspace of the robot hand is divided into two parts,i.e.fingers and palm,and the latter is researched emphatically. The concept of workspace triangle is presented.The workspace triangle varies with the movement of the palm,and after it is mapped to the ruled surface of palm workspace,the changing of its shape and size can be viewed directly.