Mobile IPV6 wireless test-bed experience

Mobility support for Internet devices is very important, since mobile computing is getting more widespread. Since these devices are wireless and therefore mobile, they will derive great benefit form mobile IPv6. Mobile IPv6 was designed to be a natural outgrowth of mobile IPv4, just as IPv6 itself was designed to be a natural outgrowth of IPv4. A wireless test-bed was setup to see the performance of the handover. The wireless test-bed consists of hardware, software and network analyzes tools to monitor the handover operation. The hardware consists of a multicast router, 2-access point, home agent, and mobile node. We analyzed packet loss, packet delay and handover delay in mobile IPv6 wireless test-bed. Finally, it is concluded the average packet delay is 0.7 s, the handover delay for the first handover (macro-mobility) is 4.4 s (44 packet loss) and 4.2 s (42 packet loss) during the second handover (micro-mobility). The behavior and performance of mobile IPv6 scheme can be seen.