Effects of oestradiol, hypothalamic extracts and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone on rat anterior pituitary gland gonadotrophin release in vitro before and after the preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge at pro-oestrus.

Changes at the anterior pituitary and/or hypothalamic levels which result in selective FSH release during late pro-oestrus in the cyclic rat were investigated. The possible involvement of decreasing serum concentrations of oestrogen during pro-oestrus in such changes was studied. Rats were decapitated at 12.00 h on pro-oestrus, before the onset of the LH surge and first phase of FSH release, or at 24.00 h on pro-oestrus, shortly after the onset of the second or selective phase of FSH release. Other rats were given oestrogen (OE2) at 14.00 h and killed at 24.00 h pro-oestrus. Paired hemi-anterior pituitary glands were incubated with vehicle or OE2 with or without synthetic LH-releasing hormone (LH-RH) or hypothalamic acid extracts prepared from rats killed at 12.00 or 24.00 h on pro-oestrus. At 24.00 h pro-oestrus, serum FSH concentration was high while serum LH concentration was low regardless of whether rats were given OE2. Glands collected and incubated at 24.00 h released more FSH and less LH than did glands collected and incubated at 12.00 h pro-oestrus. Administration of OE2 in vivo and/or in vitro did not affect these responses. The increments in LH and FSH release attributed to LH-RH or hypothalamic extracts in the glands incubated at 24.00 h were not different from those of the glands incubated at 12.00 h. Also, the hypothalamic extracts prepared from rats killed at 24.00 h were no more effective than the extracts prepared from rats killed at 12.00 h in releasing LH or FSH from glands incubated at 12.00 or 24.00 h pro-oestrus. Administration of OE2 in vivo caused a small suppression of LH-RH-induced FSH release. We suggest that a change occurs at the level of the anterior pituitary gland during the period of the LH surge and first phase of FSH release to increase basal FSH secretion selectively and cause, at least in part, the second phase of increased serum FSH. This change is not mediated by a decrease in serum oestrogen concentration. We failed to observe any evidence that LH-RH causes preferential FSH release during late pro-oestrus or that a hypothalamic peptide with a preferential FSh releasing ability is involved in FSH release at this time.