교통시설 상호연관성 분석방법론 개발
PURPOSES : Lots of criticism such as over/duplication investment, inconsistency of the policies among local governments and national plans etc. has been aroused due to the policy of supply-driven construction for transportation facilities. Recently, according to the environmental-friendly transportation policy, the investment of railroad has been expanded gradually, however the duplication with existing road facility makes it difficult to construct railroad. Thus it is necessary to evaluate the interrelationship between new project and existing facilities in the planning stage. However the method and the criteria for analyzing the duplication and over-investment of projects are not established in the manual, thus the feasibility of these projects are carried out from the economic point of view. METHODS: First, It reviewed about interrelationship criteria(domestic, overseas) and proposed implications and this study directions. Next, It developed the methods of evaluating independency, competitiveness and complementarity. RESULTS : In this study, the methods of evaluating independency, competitiveness and complementarity etc. are suggested to analyze the interrelationship between transportation facilities. The case study was carried out to examine the applicability of the methods. CONCLUSIONS: The methods raise rationality of decision-making compared to existing one. In the future, these methods are introduced into the manual of pre-feasibility study and feasibility study, more efficient decision-making and investment are expected.
[1] 김응철,et al. 4지 신호교차로에서 효율적 자전거 교통류 처리방안 연구 , 2013 .