W/SiC and Pt/SiC multilayers for the NuSTAR hard x-ray telescope

This paper will discuss the coatings for the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) and describe the updates of the coating facility at the Danish National Space Center, necessary to make all the coatings in the required time frame. The inner part of the three NuSTAR telescopes will be coated with Pt/SiC and the outer part with W/SiC. To understand the roughness of the flight coatings, we will present results from 10 bilayer constant d-spacing coatings for both types of flight coatings. Also, data showing the homogeneity over the octant mirror segments as well as X-ray data from realistic depth graded coatings will be presented. The long time stability and stress in the coatings will be discussed.