The effects of oestradiol and relaxin on extensibility and collagen organisation of the pregnant rat cervix.

The effects of exogenously introduced oestradiol-17 beta (E) and relaxin (RLX) on cervical extensibility and collagen organisation were tested in rats ovariectomised in late pregnancy. When the cervices were stretched in vitro by 1 mm increments, it was found that those from rats given E alone generated significantly higher tensions than those from control rats, while cervices from rats given both E and RLX had tensions similar to controls. Examination of cervical sections under the light microscope and ultra-thin sections under the electron microscope showed that the collagen fibres in the cervices from E-treated rats were highly organised, whereas those from animals given E+RLX and control animals were disorganised and dispersed. It was concluded that E decreased cervical extensibility, while RLX counteracted the effect of E to maintain a soft and easily extensible cervix.