The use of convolvers as programmable matched filters for spread-spectrum comnunication provides the ability to change the coding waveform from bit-to-bit, thus offering improved security and protection against r epeat jamming. In many applications, maximum signal bandwidth is desired because increased bandwidth provides for improved tolerance to effects of multipath and fading, increased c overtness, and larger p otential processing gains when maximum bit lengths a re limited, e.g. by Doppler shifts. In order to better meet these needs, the bandwidth of acoustoelectric convolvers has been extended by a factor of two over previously demonstrated convolver bandwidths. A gap-coupled convolver for decoding differential phase-shi ft-keyed (DPSK) signals having a 200-MHz bandwidth and a time-bandwidth product of 2400 has been developed and evaluated. range of 46 dB and a conversion efficiency (F-factor) of -77 dBm have been obtained. formance details are presented and compared with theoretical Predictions. A device dynamic Design and per
T. Reeder,et al.
A New Broadband Coupling Network for Interdigital Surface Wave Transducers
IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics.
J. H. Goll,et al.
Reactive Output Tuning of High BT Product SAW Convolvers
S. A. Reible,et al.
Transverse Modes in Acoustoelectric Convolvers
S. A. Reible,et al.
Convolvers for DPSK Demodulation of Spread Spectrum Signals
E. Stern,et al.
Programmable Matched Filtering with Acoustoelectric Convolvers in Spread-Spectrum Systems