Genome-wide adaptive complexes to underground stresses in blind mole rats Spalax

Wei Zhao | Xiangke Liao | Shaoliang Peng | Gideon Rechavi | Anders Krogh | Jun Wang | Eviatar Nevo | Yue Feng | Alla Fishman | Shuaicheng Li | Thomas Hankeln | Derek E Wildman | Xiaodong Fang | Angela Kranz | Lu Zhang | Xiaoqian Zhu | Noa Sher | Erez Y Levanon | Mark Band | Harris A Lewin | Andrei Seluanov | Vera Gorbunova | Leonid Brodsky | Xin Zhou | Sergey Feranchuk | Jian Ma | Sanyang Liu | A. Krogh | Yao Lu | X. Fang | D. Wildman | L. Brodsky | S. Feranchuk | Jing Zhao | E. Nevo | Xin Zhou | E. Levanon | H. Lewin | Noa Sher | Xiangke Liao | Xiaoqian Zhu | Shaoliang Peng | D. Larkin | Jaebum Kim | Jian Ma | A. Avivi | G. Rechavi | A. Gudkov | A. Seluanov | V. Gorbunova | M. Band | T. Hankeln | M. McGowen | Shuaicheng Li | Lily Bazak | Binyamin A. Knisbacher | A. Bicker | M. Farré | Xuanting Jiang | Z. Xiong | Jun Wang | Eshel Ben Jacob | A. Fishman | Jing Zhao | Zhiyong Huang | Q. Zheng | Yingqi Xiong | Lijuan Han | Yabing Zhu | J. Azpurua | Yue Feng | Zhiqiang Xiong | Yabing Zhu | Zhiyong Huang | Xuanting Jiang | Qiumei Zheng | Jing Zhao | Jie Chen | Jaebum Kim | Eshel Ben Jacob | Lily Bazak | Binyamin A Knisbacher | Jorge Azpurua | Marta Farré | Hanno Schmidt | Michael R McGowen | Anne Bicker | Aaron Avivi | Lijuan Han | Denis Larkin | Yingqi Xiong | Andrei Gudkov | Yao Lu | Imad Shams | Krzysztof Gajda | Tobias Mattheus | Hanno Schmidt | Kexin Li | Lu Zhang | Wei Zhao | Sanyang Liu | I. Shams | K. Gajda | Angela Kranz | Tobias Mattheus | Kexin Li | Jie Chen | B. Knisbacher | E. Ben Jacob | H. Schmidt

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