Design of an Automatic Cartoon Movie Builder (ACMB) System for Generation of a Cartoon Movie from a Given Story

In this paper, a novel Automatic Cartoon Movie Builder (ACMB) system has been proposed to generate a cartoon movie based on a given story collected from the user and this concept is new in the literature. It has useful applications in cinematography and especially in the world of animation. The system has two types of databases: (a) Movie Database (DB-M) consisting of cartoon movies (animations) collected from different sources (b) Frame Database (DB-FR) consisting of shots (or sequence of frames depicting a continuous action) extracted from the movies of DB-M along with their textual characterization. The proposed system automatically generates a new cartoon movie from a given story with the help of DB-FR. In this paper, we focus on the generation of new cartoon movie with the retrieved shots from DB-FR as per the textual descriptions of a shot given by the user in the form of a story. The proposed method has been tested on 1000 shots which are extracted from 10 movies stored in DB-M.