Improving Waiting Time of Tasks Scheduled Under Preemptive Round Robin Using Changeable Time Quantum

Minimizing waiting time for tasks waiting in the queue for execution is one of the important scheduling cri-teria which took a wide area in scheduling preemptive tasks. In this paper we present Changeable Time Quan-tum (CTQ) approach combined with the round-robin algorithm, we try to adjust the time quantum according to the burst times of the tasks in the ready queue. There are two important benefits of using (CTQ) approach: minimizing the average waiting time of the tasks, consequently minimizing the average turnaround time, and keeping the number of context switches as low as possible, consequently minimizing the scheduling overhead. In this paper, we consider the scheduling problem for preemptive tasks, where the time costs of these tasks are known a priori. Our experimental results demonstrate that CTQ can provide much lower scheduling overhead and better scheduling criteria.