A novel hybrid integrated wind-PV micro co-generation energy scheme for village electricity

A hybrid wind/PV system for supplying an isolated small community with electrical energy is digitally simulated and presented in this paper. The proposed hybrid renewable green energy scheme has four key subsystems or components to supply the required electric loads. The first subsystem includes the renewable generation sources from PV array and wind turbine. The second is the interface converters used to connect the renewable energy generators to the common DC collection bus, where all generated energy is collected. The third device represents the added inverter between the common collection DC bus and the added AC bus interface to feed all AC loads. The fourth subsystem comprises all controllers including the modulated power filter. The controller main function is to ensure efficient energy utilization and dynamic matching between loads and green energy generation as well as voltage stabilization. The proposed controllers are coordinated dynamic error driven PI regulators to control the interface converters. The integrated hybrid green energy system with key subsystems are digitally simulated using the Matlab/Simulink/Sim-Power software environment and fully validated for efficient energy utilizations and enhanced interface power quality under different operating conditions and load excursions.