Effective proton-neutron interaction and spectroscopy of the nuclei with N=29

The nuclei with N=29 and Z=20"'-'28 are described by a shell model, assuming (1f 112)Z-20 configuration for protons and (2pa 12, 2P1 12, 1/ 512)1 for one neutron outside the 4BCa core. Effective two-body matrix elements between the 1f 112 -proton and (2p 312, 2P1 12, 1f 512) -neutron are determined by a least-square fitting to the observed level energies of the N=29 isotones. These best-fit matrix elements reproduce the observed properties of the low-lying levels of these nuclei and also the experimental spectroscopic factors for the single-neutron transfer reactions. The observed M1-moments are adequately reproduced by using the resulting wave function and an effective g-factor for the neutron.