Application of the GoRoSo Feedforward Algorithm to Compute the Gate Trajectories for a Quick Canal Closing in the Case of an Emergency

AbstractThe canal delivery system in the Left Hemidelta area of the Ebro River in Spain consists of a tree-shaped net of open canals. The overall system can be quickly isolated in the case of an emergency by closing the upstream pool. Transients, in which the initial state is hydraulically far from the final state, are difficult to handle and cannot be made in only one gate movement in order to protect the canal lining. Therefore, they have to be as smooth as possible. GoRoSo is a feedforward control algorithm for irrigation canals based on sequential quadratic programming. With this tool, it is possible to calculate the gate trajectories that smoothly carry the canal from the initial state to the final state by keeping the water depth constant at checkpoints. The paper shows the efficient implementation of GoRoSo in both the closure and opening operations of the canal delivery system.