DCAN: Dual Channel-wise Alignment Networks for Unsupervised Scene Adaptation

Harvesting dense pixel-level annotations to train deep neural networks for semantic segmentation is extremely expensive and unwieldy at scale. While learning from synthetic data where labels are readily available sounds promising, performance degrades significantly when testing on novel realistic data due to domain discrepancies. We present Dual Channel-wise Alignment Networks (DCAN), a simple yet effective approach to reduce domain shift at both pixel-level and feature-level. Exploring statistics in each channel of CNN feature maps, our framework performs channel-wise feature alignment, which preserves spatial structures and semantic information, in both an image generator and a segmentation network. In particular, given an image from the source domain and unlabeled samples from the target domain, the generator synthesizes new images on-the-fly to resemble samples from the target domain in appearance and the segmentation network further refines high-level features before predicting semantic maps, both of which leverage feature statistics of sampled images from the target domain. Unlike much recent and concurrent work relying on adversarial training, our framework is lightweight and easy to train. Extensive experiments on adapting models trained on synthetic segmentation benchmarks to real urban scenes demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

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