Validation of ShipIR (v3.2): methodology and results

The naval ship infrared signature model and naval threat countermeasure simulator (ShipIR/NTCS) developed by W.R. Davis Engineering Ltd has undergone extensive validation since its adoption as a NATO-standard, and has been accredited by the US Navy for Live Fire Test and Evaluation of the DDG class warship, Preliminary Design of the DD(X) destroyer, and Contract Design and Live Fire Test and Evaluation of DD(X). Validation has played a key role in the model development by assessing current accuracy, identifying key areas of improvement, and tracking achievements made by each new release. This paper describes some of the recent improvements in full-ship infrared (IR) signature measurement and model prediction based on the measurements and predictions of an unclassified Canadian research vessel (CFAV Quest). The results show how some of the more recent trial parameters: radiosonde input, ship surface optical properties, atmosphere-scattered solar irradiation, and large-scale Reynolds Number; have affected our model predictions and accuracy.