State departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations require a specific focus on freight and goods movements as one element of their planning process. A particular challenge is obtaining comprehensive information on freight truck movements. The Washington State Department of Transportation initiated a statewide freight truck origin and destination (O-D) study in April 1993 to meet this challenge. The Washington study is the first in the United States to collect statewide freight truck O-D data through direct personal interviews of truck drivers. Over 300 community service club members were hired and trained to conduct personal interviews at 28 separate locations throughout the state of Washington. A total of 30,000 truck drivers were interviewed, providing Washington with an extensive data base on statewide freight and goods movements. The methodology and procedures utilized to collect statewide freight truck data in Washington are described. Specific issues include research design, interview team recruitment and training, field data collection procedures, as well as ongoing project management requirements. Lessons learned from the Washington study provide insights for other states or regional planning organizations contemplating a freight truck study.