The effects of integrating concept mapping into computer assisted instruction in biology at a comprehensive high school

The purposes of this study aimed to examine the effects of integrating concept mapping into computer assisted instruction in Biology class at a comprehensive high school as well as to understand students' academic achievements and their learning retention. The research method of the study was a qasi-experimental design. The 39 subjects of this study were obtained from a single class in a comprehensive high school. The subjects were divided into high and low proficiency levels after pretest. The experimental instruction lasted for seven weeks. A post-test was administered to assess subject students' biology academic achievements. In addition, they were requested to fill out the learning satisfaction questionnaire. One month later, all subjects' learning retention was tested. The major findings of the study are briefly stated as follows. Speaking of the instructional strategy, the effect of integrating the concept mapping into computer assisted instruction was positive on academic achievements of learning biology subject. It was also helpful for learning retention and raising cognitive ability of the biology subject. In addition, there was the same influence on students' academic achievements regardless of their genders. Furthermore, subject students possessed an affirmative attitude toward integrating the concept mapping into computer assisted instruction. Finally, subjects suggested that the software was a good material for assisting instruction in the biology class.