조명색변경에 따른 실내공간에 대한 공간이용자의 공간감 변화에 관한 연구

Interior space consists of architectural elements like floor, ceiling, wall, etc. and interior elements like furniture, lighting, finish etc.. Space users would try to change interior elements in order to change the sense of space. Changing lighting color is very easy and cheap method to refresh users’ space. So in this study the experiment was performed by using LED(RED, GREEN, BLUE module) lighting. The results as follows: The lighting color “CYAN” can make the sense of space like ‘opening’, ‘active’, ‘cool’, ‘bright and lively’, ‘various’, ‘bright’, ‘wide’, ‘polished’, ‘comfortable’, ‘natural’, ‘preferred’. otherwise, the lighting color “RED” would makes the sense of space like ‘closed’, ‘static’, ‘stuffy’, ‘heavy’, ‘dark’, ‘narrow’, ‘uncomfortable’, ‘uneasy’, ‘unnatural’, ‘hate’ and can make the ‘clear’, ‘intensive’ space of positive phase. Users will feel ‘symbolic, stable’ space by “GREEN” lighting and ‘gorgeous’ by “Magenta”. The lighting color of “Warm-White” is the feel of ‘soft’ and ‘warm’ space and the space of sense made by “Cool-White” lighting color is the sense of ‘arrange’ space.