Analysis of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate in Terms of Position, Momentum, and Angular-Momentum Variance

We analyze, analytically and numerically, the position, momentum, and in particular the angular-momentum variance of a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped in a two-dimensional anisotropic trap for static and dynamic scenarios. Explicitly, we study the ground state of the anisotropic harmonic-interaction model in two spatial dimensions analytically and the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of repulsive bosons in tilted two-dimensional annuli numerically accurately by using the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree for bosons method. The differences between the variances at the mean-field level, which are attributed to the shape of the BEC, and the variances at the many-body level, which incorporate depletion, are used to characterize position, momentum, and angular-momentum correlations in the BEC for finite systems and at the limit of an infinite number of particles where the bosons are 100 % condensed. Finally, we also explore inter-connections between the variances.

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