Analysis of the thermal decomposition of commercial vegetable oils in air by simultaneous TG/DTA

This work presents a study of the thermal decomposition of commercial vegetable oils and of some of their thermal properties by termogravimetry (TG), derivative termogravimetry (DTG) and by differential thermal analysis (DTA). Canola, sunflower, corn, olive and soybean oils were studied. A simultaneous SDT 2960 TG/DTA from TA Instruments was used, with a heating rate of 10 K min-1 from 30 to 700°C. A flow of 100 mL min-1 of air as the purge gas was used in order to burnout the oils during analysis to estimate their heat of combustion. From the extrapolated decomposition onset temperatures obtained from TG curves, it can be seen that corn oil presents the highest thermal stability (306°C), followed by the sunflower one (304°C). Olive oil presents the lowest one (288°C). The heat of combustion of each oil was estimated from DTA curves, showing the highest value for the olive oil. Except for corn oil, which presents a significantly different thermal decomposition behavior than the other oils, a perfect linear correlation is observed, with negative slope, between the heat of combustion of an oil and its respective extrapolated onset temperature of decomposition in air.