Municipal Forest Benefits and Costs in Five US Cities

Increasingly, city trees are viewed as a best management practice to control stormwater, an urban-heat-island mitigation measure for cleaner air, a CO 2 -redutlion option to offset emissions, and an alternative to costly new electric power plants. Measuring benefits that accrue from the community forest is the first step to altering forest structure in ways that will enhance future benefits. This article describes the structure, function, and value of street and park tree populations in Fort Collins, Colorado; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Bismarck, North Dakota; Berkeley, California; and Glendale, Arizona. Although these cities spent $13-65 annually per tree, benefits ranged from $31 to $89 per tree. For every dollar invested in management, benefits returned annually ranged from S1.37 to S3.09. Strategies each city can take to increase net benefits are presented.