Lifting independence results in bounded arithmetic

Abstract. We investigate the problem how to lift the non - $\forall \Sigma^b_1(\alpha)$ - conservativity of $T^2_2(\alpha)$ over $S^2_2(\alpha)$ to the expected non - $\forall \Sigma^b_i(\alpha)$ - conservativity of $T^{i+1}_2(\alpha)$ over $S^{i+1}_2(\alpha)$, for $i > 1$. We give a non-trivial refinement of the “lifting method” developed in [4,8], and we prove a sufficient condition on a $\forall \Sigma^b_1(f)$-consequence of $T_2(f)$ to yield the non-conservation result. Further we prove that Ramsey's theorem, a $\forall \Sigma^b_1(\alpha)$ - formula, is not provable in $T^1_2(\alpha)$, and that $\forall \Sigma^b_j(\alpha)$ - conservativity of $T^{i+1}_2(\alpha)$ over $T^{i}_2(\alpha)$ implies $\forall \Sigma^b_j(\alpha)$ - conservativity of the whole $T_2(\alpha)$ over $T^{i}_2(\alpha)$, for any $j \geq 2$.