ESR of thermoluminescent centres in CaSO4 single crystals

ESR measurements on X-irradiated undoped CaSO4 single crystals at 77K reveal two related radiation damage centres. Step annealing measurements suggest a connection between these centres and the thermoluminescent glow peaks at approximately 395 and 465K. An analysis of the g-values (centre I: gx=2.006, gy=2.0091 and gz=2.0395; centre II; gx=2.0011, gy=2.0084 and gz=2.0256) in conjunction with the known crystal structure indicates that the defects could result from the removal of an electron from a non-bonding orbital of a sulphate oxygen atom adjacent to a Ca2+ vacancy. The ESR signals related to these centres exhibit an unusual dependence on temperature and microwave power between 120 and 250K, which is attributed to a motional transition.