Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) structures are increasingly utilized by a variety of microwave and optical devices as filters for unwanted signals. One such application is their incorporation in power distribution network (PDN) of electronic circuits where the EBG structure replaces one of the reference voltage planes thus forming a shielded EBG structure. The EBG induces a wide (on the order of few GHz) omni-directional stopband in the operating frequency range of the PDN which mitigates the so called simultaneous switching noise (SSN) on the power plane. The challenging aspect in designing an EBG for such applications is to achieve a wide stopband centered at low GHz frequencies while maintaining a reasonably small unit cell size and a low profile. Indeed, the dimensions of the unit cell of the EBG structure for low frequency designs can become relatively large with respect to the size of the host dielectric substrate. Therefore, availability of a systematic design approach that can provide a fast and accurate means of performance prediction to enable geometry tweaking and design optimization will be of critical importance in utilizing EBG structures in such applications.
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Analysis and Design of Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structures for Power Plane Isolation Using 2D Dispersion Diagrams and Scalability
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Genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) in engineering electromagnetics
17th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, 2003. ICECom 2003..
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Dispersion analysis of the shielded Sievenpiper structure using multiconductor transmission-line theory
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters.
George V. Eleftheriades,et al.
Metallo-dielectric electromagnetic bandgap structures for suppression and isolation of the parallel-plate noise in high-speed circuits