Determination of technetium-99 in soils and radioactive wastes using ICP-MS

Three methods have been used for the determination of 99Tc in soils and solid radioactive wastes using 99mTc as a yield monitor. In the method one and three the samples were leached in low concentrated nitric and sulphuric acid. Many contaminants were then co-precipitated with Fe(OH)3 in alkali media and Tc in the supernatant was separated using anion-exchange extraction chromatography. There were made also some studies how to improve the chemical recovery of 99mTc in the process of chromatography. In the method two the sample was ashed and then leached in 8 mol dm−3 HNO3 and after iron precipitation, technetium was separated on chromatographic column. The chemical recovery of 99mTc was optimized in the process of chromatography and leaching. Typical recoveries of technetium determined with 99mTc tracer for all these methods were in the range 39 %–87 %.The 99Tc activity was measured using proportional low-background beta detector after one week of staying to allow decay of 99mTc activity. 99Tc was also determined by the non-radiometric method using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer.