Near Wake Properties of a Strumming Marine Cable: An Experimental Study

Resonant flow-induced oscillations of a flexible cable can occur when the damping of the cable system is sufficiently small. The changes in the flow field that occur in the near wake of the cable during these resonant oscillations are closely related to the changes in the fluid forces that accompany these oscillations. The present wind tunnel experiments were undertaken to examine the effects that forced synchronized vibration and the helically-wound cross section of the cable have on near wake vortex shedding-related parameters; specifically the shedding frequency, vortex formation length Lf , reduced velocity Ur , vortex strength and the wake width Lw . The range of flow speeds over which the vortex shedding was locked on to the vibration frequency varied directly with the vibration amplitude. The helical cross section and the synchronized vibration caused significant changes in the near wake development that could be directly related to the increase in hydrodynamic forces associated with unforced synchronized vibration.