Ada-BKB: Scalable Gaussian Process Optimization on Continuous Domain by Adaptive Discretization

Gaussian process optimization is a successful class of algorithms(e.g. GP-UCB) to optimize a blackbox function through sequential evaluations. However, for functions with continuous domains, Gaussian process optimization has to rely on either a fixed discretization of the space, or the solution of a non-convex optimization subproblem at each evaluation. The first approach can negatively affect performance, while the second approach requires a heavy computational burden. A third option, only recently theoretically studied, is to adaptively discretize the function domain. Even though this approach avoids the extra nonconvex optimization costs, the overall computational complexity is still prohibitive. An algorithm such as GP-UCB has a runtime of O(T ), where T is the number of iterations. In this paper, we introduce AdaBKB (Adaptive Budgeted Kernelized Bandit), a no-regret Gaussian process optimization algorithm for functions on continuous domains, that provably runs in O(T deff), where deff is the effective dimension of the explored space, and which is typically much smaller than T . We corroborate our theoretical findings with experiments on synthetic non-convex functions and on the real-world problem of hyper-parameter optimization, confirming the good practical performances of the proposed approach.

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