During the summer months, Maine, like many other vacation states, experiences high levels of traffic on the Maine Turnpike (I-95) and Route 1 - Coastal Route. This dependency on the private automobile as the primary transport mode, has led the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) to seek out alternative solutions. Under separate initiatives, MDOT has sought to extend Amtrak passenger rail services to Portland and make investments in public transit systems. However, a more comprehensive approach was needed to meet Clean Air Act Amendment (CAAA) and other Federal and state mandates. MDOT has retained Wilbur Smith Associates to formulate a comprehensive, integrated plan for passenger transportation. The plan will cover statewide implementation of passenger rail (scheduled and excursion), air (charter, general aviation, and commercial), waterborne (high speed ferry, cruise, and sailing), public transit (motorcoaches, shuttle and feeder), and others such as snowmobiles, bicycles, pedestrian, kayaking and hiking. Most important, the intermodal connectivity of this "system" must address needs for traveler information, scheduling, ticketing, baggage handling and feeder and distribution systems.