A framework of multi-agent system to facilitate security of cloud data storage
Storage in the cloud is slightly different services for slightly different needs, it’s allow
users to scale storage space requirements to meet expanding requirements, improve
manageability, and can be integrated easily to backup most all aspects of a businesses’
data requirements, from server to laptop. A multi-agent system (MAS) is a collection of
agents that work together to achieve goal through communication and collaboration
among each other. MAS are often distributed and agent has proactive and reactive
features which are very useful. Cloud Computing moves the application software and
databases to the large data centers, where the management of the data and services may
not be fully trustworthy. In this paper, we focus on cloud data storage security, which has
always been an important aspect of quality of service. To verify the correctness, integrity,
confidentially and availability of users’ data in the cloud, we propose MAS framework.
Considering that the data is distributed, updated, created through different sources. This
research shall be carried out in five steps that defined as A Secure Software Development
Life Cycle (SecSDLC) used as a research methodology. The MAS followed the
Prometheus methodology Tool (PDT) for designing section. In this paper, we consider
components of MAS framework, implementing a simulation framework by using JAVA
and performing an input analysis of the data and an output analysis of the simulation