Resource Letter: PER-1: Physics Education Research

The purpose of this Resource Letter is to provide an overview of research on the learning and teaching of physics. The references have been selected to meet the needs of two groups of physicists engaged in physics education. The first is the growing number whose field of scholarly inquiry is (or might become) physics education research. The second is the much larger community of physics instructors whose primary interest is in using the results from research as a guide for improving instruction.

[1]  W L FAUST,et al.  Group versus individual problem-solving. , 1959, Journal of abnormal psychology.

[2]  A. Bork,et al.  Resource Letter ColR-1 on Collateral Reading for Physics Courses , 1967 .

[3]  Resource Letter EP-1 on Educational Psychology , 1969 .

[4]  Robert Karplus,et al.  Can physics develop reasoning , 1977 .

[5]  Results of a remedial laboratory program based on a Piaget model for engineering and science freshmen , 1977 .

[6]  David Hestenes,et al.  Cognitive process instruction , 1979 .

[7]  Resource Letter PhD‐1: Physics demonstrations , 1979 .

[8]  Paul J. Feltovich,et al.  Categorization and Representation of Physics Problems by Experts and Novices , 1981, Cogn. Sci..

[9]  L. McDermott,et al.  Investigation of student understanding of the concept of acceleration in one dimension , 1981 .

[10]  John J. Clement,et al.  Students' Misconceptions of an Electric Circuit: What Do They Mean? , 1981 .

[11]  A. Caramazza,et al.  Naive beliefs in “sophisticated” subjects: misconceptions about trajectories of objects , 1981, Cognition.

[12]  Herbert Lin Learning physics vs. passing courses , 1982 .

[13]  Robert G. Fuller,et al.  Solving physics problems—how do we do it? , 1982 .

[14]  B. Eylon,et al.  Potential difference and current in simple electric circuits: A study of students’ concepts , 1983 .

[15]  L. McDermott Research on conceptual understanding in mechanics , 1984 .

[16]  Peter W. Hewson,et al.  Diagnosis and remediation of an alternative conception of velocity using a microcomputer program , 1985 .

[17]  J. J. Dupin,et al.  Conceptions of french pupils concerning electric circuits: Structure and evolution , 1987 .

[18]  Ibrahim A. Halloun,et al.  Modeling instruction in mechanics , 1987 .

[19]  Lillian C. McDermott,et al.  A conceptual approach to teaching kinematics , 1987 .

[20]  J. Clement,et al.  Not all preconceptions are misconceptions: finding ‘anchoring conceptions’ for grounding instruction on students’ intuitions , 1989 .

[21]  David Hammer,et al.  Two approaches to learning physics , 1989 .

[22]  J. Mestre,et al.  The relation between problem categorization and problem solving among experts and novices , 1989, Memory & cognition.

[23]  Ronald K. Thornton,et al.  Learning motion concepts using real‐time microcomputer‐based laboratory tools , 1990 .

[24]  Arnold B. Arons,et al.  A Guide to Introductory Physics Teaching , 1990 .

[25]  Jose P. Mestre,et al.  Learning and Instruction in Pre‐College Physical Science , 1991 .

[26]  Fred N. Finley,et al.  Variable uses of alternative conceptions: A case study in current electricity , 1992 .

[27]  Lillian C. McDermott,et al.  Research as a guide for curriculum development: An example from introductory electricity , 1992 .

[28]  Robert J. Dufresne,et al.  Constraining Novices to Perform Expertlike Problem Analyses: Effects on Schema Acquisition , 1992 .

[29]  Patricia A. Heller,et al.  Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 2: Designing problems and structuring groups , 1992 .

[30]  The mathematical knowledge of physics graduates: Primary data and conclusions , 1992 .

[31]  V. Trimble Visit to a small universe , 1992 .

[32]  John J. Clement,et al.  Using Bridging Analogies and Anchoring Institutions to Seal with Students' Preconceptions in Physics , 1993 .

[33]  Cedric Linder,et al.  University physics students’ conceptualizations of factors affecting the speed of sound propagation , 1993 .

[34]  R. Duit,et al.  Students' conceptions of the second law of thermodynamics—an interpretive study , 1993 .

[35]  A. H. Verdonk,et al.  ‘Work’ and ‘Heat’: on a road towards thermodynamics , 1994 .

[36]  Robert J. Beichner,et al.  Testing student interpretation of kinematics graphs , 1994 .

[37]  Edward F. Redish,et al.  Implications of cognitive studies for teaching physics , 1994 .

[38]  Frederick Reif,et al.  Understanding and teaching important scientific thought processes , 1995 .

[39]  R. D. Knight,et al.  The vector knowledge of beginning physics students , 1995 .

[40]  Kathleen E. Metz Reassessment of Developmental Constraints on Children’s Science Instruction , 1995 .

[41]  John Berry,et al.  A hierarchical model of the development of student understanding of momentum , 1996 .

[42]  David Hammer,et al.  More than misconceptions: Multiple perspectives on student knowledge and reasoning, and an appropriate role for education research , 1996 .

[43]  Jayashree Ramadas,et al.  Alternative conceptions in Galilean relativity: distance, time, energy and laws , 1996 .

[44]  Michael Prosser,et al.  Differences in students' perceptions of learning physics , 1996 .

[45]  Jayashree Ramadas,et al.  Alternative conceptions in Galilean relativity: inertial and non‐inertial observers , 1996 .

[46]  Robert J. Dufresne,et al.  Using qualitative problem‐solving strategies to highlight the role of conceptual knowledge in solving problems , 1996 .

[47]  Mark D. Somers,et al.  NEW APPROACHES: Students' understanding of the transfer of charge between conductors , 1997 .

[48]  Lisa Novemsky,et al.  Concepts first—A small group approach to physics learning , 1997 .

[49]  Jeffery M. Saul,et al.  On the effectiveness of active-engagement microcomputer-based laboratories , 1997 .

[50]  Richard N. Steinberg,et al.  Performance on multiple-choice diagnostics and complementary exam problems , 1997 .

[51]  Conference on the Introductory Physics Course on the occasion of the retirement of Robert Resnick , 1997 .

[52]  D. Sokoloff,et al.  Using interactive lecture demonstrations to create an active learning environment , 1997 .

[53]  R. Hake Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses , 1998 .

[54]  Edward F. Redish,et al.  Making Sense of How Students Make Sense of Mechanical Waves , 1999, physics/0207092.