Effect of the frequency of combined lateral and roll oscillation on motion sickness: report on laboratory experiment 1 conducted by ISVR
The stated scientific objectives of the FACT project are as follows: - "To advance understanding of the causes of motion sickness in situations where there is a combination of rotational and translational oscillation at low frequencies."; - "To determine the influences on the onset of nausea and their weighting functions." - "To develop a mathematical evaluation model to forecast the onset of nausea on a given real or planned line." On behalf of the FACT consortium the ISVR has undertaken a series of laboratory studies of motion sickness designed to meet these stated objectives. This document summarises the findings from one part of the laboratory experiments which investigated the effect of frequency of roll-compensated lateral oscillation on motion sickness. (A). http://transguide.org/UIC_FACT/deliverable2_1_Laboratory.pdf