Corneal Surgery: Theory, Technique, and Tissue
There are several books in print that cover the various aspects of corneal disease and treatment. The second edition of Corneal Surgery: Theory, Technique, and Tissue , edited by Frederick S. Brightbill, MD, provides ophthalmologists and eye bank personnel with an updated, comprehensive reference text on the surgical aspects of comeal therapy. The first edition of this book was an out-growth of the First International Cornea and Eye Banking Symposium in 1983 and was published in 1986. Dr Brightbill correctly states in the preface that this book has become a "standard reference for corneal surgeons and eye banks throughout the world." The new edition contains additions, deletions, and reorganization of the material in the earlier volume that will better serve modern eye banks and contemporary corneal surgeons. Comparisons with the earlier edition are inescapable. The second edition begins with a new part that addresses basic concepts of corneal function. The two