Work for All or Mass Unemployment?: Computerised Technical Change into the Twenty-First Century
"Disturbing, perhaps alarming" why mass unemployemnt is economically wasteful, socially disasterous and ethically unacceptable Ricardo's cat - economic theory and why the fears of technical change on the part of the "labouring class" conform to the correct principles of political economy "the biggest technological Juggernaut that ever rolled" - information and communication technology (ICT) 10,000 miles or one micro-second? - the international dimension of technical change and employment in the world economy a man's place is in the home - new patterns of work, working hours and family life, what flexibility could mean sustainable development and limits to growth - the machine that changed the world in the 20th century (the automobile) and the machine that can save the environment in the 21st century (the computer) in the long run we are not all dead - why Keynes is still relevant but not enough work for all - policies for the turn of the century and the millennium.