Systems Modelling of the Relationship Between Training and Performance

Mathematical models may provide a method of describing and predicting the effect of training on performance. The current models attempt to describe the effects of single or multiple bouts of exercise on the performance of a specific task on a given day. These models suggest that any training session increases fitness and provokes a fatigue response. Various methods of quantifying the training stimulus (training impulse, absolute work, psychophysiological rating) and physical performance (criterion scale, arbitrary units) are employed in these models. The models are empirical descriptions and do not use current knowledge regarding the specificity of training adaptations. Tests of these models with published data indicate discrepancies between the predicted and measured time course of physiological adaptations, and between the predicted and measured performance responses to training. The relationship between these models and the underlying physiology requires clarification. New functional models that incorporate specificity of training and known physiology are required to enhance our ability to guide athletic training, rehabilitation and research.

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